Elke Deuerling      

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Chair of Molecular Microbiology








Academic Education and Professional Experience

since 2012 Spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Center 969 (SFB 969) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
since 2007 Full Professor and Chair of Molecular Microbiology, University of Konstanz, Germany
01/2011 - 03/2011 Sabbatical at the Salk Institute, La Jolla, USA, Prof. A. Dillin
01/2004 - 03/2007 Heisenberg-fellow and independent group leader at the Center for Molecular Biology (ZMBH) of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany
06/2002 - 12/2003 Project leader (C1, assistant professor) at the Center for Molecular Biology (ZMBH) in the group of Prof. B. Bukau, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany
08/1999 - 09/1999 Sabbatical in the group of Prof. E. A. Craig, University of Wisconsin, Medical Sciences Center, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
04/1998 - 05/2002 Project leader (C1, assistant professor) in the group of Prof. B. Bukau, University of Freiburg, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Germany
04/1997 - 03/1998 Post-Doctoral Fellow in the group of Prof. B. Bukau, University of Freiburg, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Germany
11/1996 - 03/1997 Post-Doctoral Fellow in the group of Prof. H. Bujard, subgroup of Dr. B. Bukau, Center for Molecular Biology (ZMBH), Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany
02/1992 - 07/1995 Doctoral Thesis (summa cum laude) in the group of Prof. W. Schumann, University of Bayreuth, Department of Genetics, Germany
11/1986 - 02/1991 Studies in Molecular Biology at the University Erlangen-Nürnberg and the University of Bayreuth, Germany. Main focus: genetics, microbiology and biochemistry Degree: Diploma biologist (with distinction)



2019 Elected Organizer of the Gordon Research Conference “Stress proteins in Growth, Development and Disease”, June 2019, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco, Italy

Job offer (declined): Deputy Managing Director of the Research Centre Jülichof the Helmholtz Association

2012 HFSP-Awardee (Human Frontier Science Program, ranked number 17 in a worldwide competition from a total of almost 800 original letters of intent for a HFSP grant)
since 2012 Spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Center 969 (SFB 969) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
2012 - 2016 Appointed member of the authorizing committee and senate of the DFG for Graduate Schools
2011 Elected organizer of the EMBO conference series “The Biology of Molecular Chaperones”, May 2011, Grundlsee, Austria
2009 Elected member of the editorial advisory panel of Biochem. J.
2008 Elected member of the advisory board of the GBM
2007-2011 Elected member of the advisory board of the VAAM
2005 FEBS Letters Young Scientist Award for the most outstanding Research Letter published 2004 in FEBS Letters with a corresponding author aged 40 years or younger
2004 Heisenberg-fellowship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
2002 Voted among the ten best lecturers (place 8) for medical students, pre-clinical studies at the University of Freiburg 2001/2002
2002 HFSP-Awardee (Human Frontier Science Program, ranked number 11 among more than 600 worldwide applicants for the Human Frontier in Science Program)
2001 Eugen Graetz-Prize of the University of Freiburg, Germany