Symposium on Biology inspired microphysiological systems

Time: June 11th 2015, from 9 am to 5 pm

Venue: Sana Hotel, Berlin, Germany

Registration (including Lunch):To register, please contact

• Free for CAAT Sponsors and associates as well as for federal agencies, students and

NGO’s, € 100 after May 11th, • € 100 Academia, • € 300 early registration, • € 500 (€ 300 Academia) after May 11th


Animals are traditionally used for hazard identification, safety testing or disease modelling in pharmaceutical, (agro)chemical, food and environmental industry laboratories. Though in vivo tests give an insight into systemic effects of chemicals, the physiological differences between animals and man can undermine extrapolation of animal data to the human system. These problems are avoided by human-relevant in vitro systems that mimic human physiology and therefore allow plausible in vitro-in vivo extrapolation.

Static human 3D cell culture models mimic human biology at a more physiological level than traditionally used 2D cell cultures. They add value to predictive toxicology but still do not fully emulate systemic human biology in vitro. Recent advanced microfabrication techniques enable the development of microfluidic ‘organ-on-a-chip’ or even “human-on-a-chip” devices. These promise to emulate relevant aspects of single organ functionand interaction among organs on a microphysiological scale, enabling a new level of physiologically relevant assays.  It is still to be defined which level of in vitro human biology is required to cater for the different needs of industry in the field: Do we need single organs on a chip and, if yes, at which level of organ-specific complexity and for which test purpose?  Do we need any systematic combination of organs on a chip, and if so, at what level of arrangement and interaction and for which application? Which benefits might organismal microphysiological systems provide for the predictive substance testing arena?  This symposium will give some answers and recommendations along these questions.


09:00 - 09:15     Welcome Address

09:15 - 09:30     Dr. Adrian Roth, Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland

                        “Needs and demands of pharmaceutical industry towards microphysiological systems”

09:30 - 10:00     Dr. Anthony Bahinski, Wyss Institute at Harvard University, USA

“Human organs-on-chips as replacement for animal testing”

10:00 - 10:30     Prof. Paul Vulto, MIMETAS, The Netherlands

“High throughput screening of 3D perfused (co-)cultures”

            10:30 - 11:00     coffee break

11:00 - 11:30     Dr. Christoph Giese, ProBioGen AG, Germany

“The human artificial lymph node (HuALN): An organoid model for testing immune functions and immune reactivity in vitro”

11:30 - 12:00     Dr. Oliver Frey, ETH Zurich, Bio Engineering Laboratory, Switzerland

Parallelized microphysiological systems by combining multi-cellular spheroids with microfluidic technology”

 12:00 - 13:00     lunch and coffee

13:00 - 13:30     Dr. Uwe Marx, Technical University Berlin & TissUse, Germany

“Potential impact of human microphysiological organ co-culture systems on systemic drug safety assessment”

13:30 - 14:00     Dr. Danilo Tagle, NCATS at the NIH, USA

“The NIH Tissues-on-Chips Program: in vitro Tools for Disease Modeling and Testing of Drugs for Safety and Efficacy”

14:00 - 14:30     Dr. Murat Cirit, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

“Human physiome on-a-chip: Integration of tissue engineering and systems pharmacology“

 14:30 - 15:00     coffee break

15:00 - 15:20     Dr. Jochen Kuehnl, Beiersdorf AG, Germany

In vitro toxicity testing of cosmetic ingredients – first steps towards the use of dynamic microphysiological co-cultures integrating human immunity or liver equivalents”

15:20 - 15:40     Dr. Claudia Gärtner, microfluidic ChipShop GmbH, Germany

“Organs on chip – Microfluidic toolbox and accessories for cell culture and organs on chip”

15:40 - 16:00     Dr. Sue Gibbs, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - VUmc, The Netherlands

“Towards human immune competent skin-on-a-chip”

16:00                Closing Remarks                     

                        Co-Chairs of the symposium Dr. Adrian Roth and Dr. Uwe Marx

Presentations will be followed by a discussion to address questions from the audience