Perturbations in development

Robustness against perturbations in development:

During development embryonic patterning can be impaired by a multitude of different perturbing factors. We are particularly interested in the mechanisms that allow for normal development in the face of such perturbations.

If you want to know more:

Already pioneering works of developmental biology interfered with normal development and were amazed by the ability of embryos to adjust to a variety of “unguenstige Umstaende” (Driesch, Gebrueder Hartwig). Among other factors, like drug treatment, it was particularly popular to ablate parts of the embryo. Such ablations occasionally gave rise to Doppelbildungen, but more frequently normal but size reduced embryos came from such experiments. This scale invariance is a prime example of embryonic robustness against perturbations. Our lab is interested in studying the effects physical and genetic perturbing factors have on development and in the mechanisms, embryos use to overcome them. We have been able to show that embryos can compensate the defects in germ layer patterning induced by artificial size reduction through higher levels of Nodal antagonists and thus develop normally.