Rashmi Paudel

Among others, Biological invasion has emerging as a defining feature of anthropogenic environmental change. The human - mediated introduction of species to non-native regions, followed by their subsequent spread, has succeeded them to naturalize. Subsequently, they have thrived and often outcompete native species. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the underlying pattern, process and possible predictor of naturalization. Being encouraged by such scientific as well as social aspects of biological invasion, broadly I am interested in providing insights into the macroecology of Plant invasion.

      Specifically, I am interested to disentangle the complex association of naturalization success with the different dimensions of species’ native range distribution at spatial and temporal scale. As an ongoing PhD project, currently I am analyzing how historical occurrence frequencies of plant species in their native range and recent changes in such frequencies, especially in changing environment, relate to naturalization success, by using global database, scientific literatures, and contacting curators of plant-species-distribution databases.


*before joining Ecology Lab*

Paudel R, Shrestha BB, Sharma LN, Adhikari B & Siwakoti M (2023) Diversity of naturalized and invasive plant species across land use types in an inner Tarai Valley of Central Nepal. Tropical Ecology 64: 201-210 (DOI: 10.1007/s42965-022-00263-9 )