Currently I am doing my PhD under the supervision of Mark van Kleunen and Alexandra Klein (Universität Freiburg). In my project, I will work on Darwin's naturalization hypothesis, phylogeny, enemy release and multi-trophic interactions. I will look at how the success of an invasive plant depends on its interactions at different trophic levels and on its phylogenetic relatedness to the native community.
I previously did my Masters in South Africa, under the supervision of Prof. Mark van Kleunen and Prof. Colleen T. Downs (University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa), working in Ndumo Game Reserve and in the Natal Museum in Pietermaritzburg.


2011-2014 M.Sc. Biological Sciences University of Konstanz,  Germany
2008-2011 B.Sc. Biological Sciences University of Konstanz,  Germany


Malecore EM, Dawson W, Kempel A, Müller G  & van Kleunen M (2018) Non-linear effects of phylogenetic distance on early-stage establishment of experimentally introduced plants in grassland communities. Journal of Ecology accepted.