Current news

Coordination through communication

Humboldt Research Fellowship for University of Konstanz biologist: Behavioural ecologist Dr Vlad Demartsev from Tel Aviv University, Israel, is granted a prestigious Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers that enables him to continue his work in Dr Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin’s Gips Schüle Research Group on Communication and Collective Movement, based at the Department of Biology.

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Rivalen im Immunsystem: Die beiden Ubiquitin-ähnlichen Modifikatoren FAT10 und SUMO konkurrieren um denselben Aktivator. Bild: Universität Konstanz

Rivalen im Immunsystem

Rivalität zwischen zwei Ubiquitin-ähnlichen Modifikatoren: Biologen der Universität Konstanz und des Biotechnologie-Instituts Thurgau entdecken überraschenden Mechanismus der Immunabwehr

Uncovering hidden intelligence of collectives

Research team including scientists from Konstanz discovers that information processing in animal groups occurs not only in the brains of animals but also in their social network.

Tag der offenen Labortüren

Einblick in die biomedizinische Forschung am Biotechnologie-Institut Thurgau (BITg)

Anlässlich unseres 20-jährigen Jubiläums

Three HFSP grants awarded

Projects by Dina Dechmann, Alex Jordan and Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin are among 34 selected in global competition for prestigious Human Frontiers Science Program Grants.

Diversity of Lake Malawi cichlids. Copyright: C. Darrin Hulsey

New insights into phenotypic complexity and diversity among cichlids

Researchers from the University of Konstanz, the University of California-Los Angeles, Tel Aviv University and the Inter-University Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat gain new insights into how phenotypic complexity influences diversification among Lake Malawi cichlid fish.

David Schleheck, Anna Burrichter and Karin Denger. This picture does not show the collaboration partners from Harvard University Emily Balskus, Spencer Peck and Stephania Irwin. Photo: University of Konstanz

Enzyme discovered

At the University of Konstanz, in cooperation with Harvard University, a key enzyme for formation of harmful hydrogen sulphide in the human gut by Bilophila bacteria has been discovered.