Biology in Konstanz
The University of Konstanz offers Bachelor and Master degrees in Biological Sciences and Life Sciences as well as the Bachelor and Master of Education in Biology.
First-year students...
are welcomed in a general introductory event and are offered special support in mentoring groups. The Department of Physics offers a preparatory mathematics course, which takes place before the start of the first semester. Tutorials in chemistry, mathematics and cell biology are offered by advanced students to those in lower semesters. Tutorials in ecology and evolution/ethology are provided by doctoral students. The relatively low numbers of students foster a constructive, familiar atmosphere between students and teachers. Practical work can often be done in small groups. Students can view and check their marked exams. The research foci of the department are in the areas of molecular biological approaches to cell biology, basic biomedical research and ecology.
Studying in Konstanz...
means limitation of the study duration and an early start in research and work. These goals require special forms of tuition: - Biological knowledge is mediated in introductory courses, lectures, group work, as well as compact and special interest courses. - These compact and special interest courses combine lectures, seminars and practical experimental work. - This enables an intensive theoretical and practical engagement in the scientific area of choice. The research foci of the department are in the areas of molecular biological approaches to cell biology, basic biomedical research and ecology.
The university campus...
is situated outside the city of Konstanz, but is easily accessible from town by bicycle and public transport. The standard of the university library is very high; public computers are provided, WiFi (eduroam) is availabed. Books and media are sorted by subject and are freely accessible day and night on weekdays. Every student has access to the computer centre and computer work stations (CIP-pools) of each department. The Department of Biology has active exchange programs with universities in Stony Brook (NY, USA), Guelph and York (Ontario, Canada), Tel Aviv, Milan and Santiago de Chile.