Erasmus+ Bewerbung / Infoveranstaltung

Infoveranstaltung am 17.10. um 10:00 Uhr in L602!

An alle Erasmus-Interessierten,

Am 17.10.24 gibt es eine Info-Veranstaltung zu Erasmus von 10:00 Uhr bis 11:30 Uhr in L602.

Die Bewerbungen für das Akademische Jahr 2025/26 werden online über das IO organisiert mit Bewerbung Ende 2024/Anfang 2025.

RISE Weltweit 2025

Zusätzlich Spezial-Programm Kanada

Bachelor aufgepasst (ab 2. Semester)!

Mit RISE Weltweit für 3 Monate (mit Vollstipendium, Reisekostenpauschale & Versicherung!) Forschung in internationalen Laboren machen. Bewerbung für die Sommersemesterferien 2025 (Praktikumsbeginn ab 01.06.2025, Dauer 10-12 Wochen) wieder ab dem 15.10.24 bis zum 30.November für RISE Weltweit!

Ausführliche Informationen gibt es unter und bei

Info-Flyer findet ihr hier!

Internship Cyprus Wildlife Research Institute

Interested in an internship on Cyprus?
See the following email for information (University of Konstanz is not liable for external content):

"My name is Dominika Knazovicka and I am an employee of the Cyprus Wildlife Research Institute (, a nonprofit nongovernmental organization established in Cyprus with a focus on the protection of local species and habitats. We are contacting you because we would like to offer your students a unique opportunity to join our organization for a practical traineeship. In the attachment below, please see the Catalogue of Internship placements that are offered by our conservation organization for the year 2024. These placements are especially suitable for students and graduates of programs related to biology, ecology, environmental protection, animal care, nature management, veterinary medicine, social media, and media production. A full list of our current programs can be reviewed following the link: 
I believe that many students from your University would be interested in going on an internship abroad, but they may not know where to find a hosting institution and how to apply for such placements. The general information about our current placements, requirements, and other details are summarized in the catalogue below and on our volunteering web pages. We are currently preparing new internship programs (such as Monitoring of donkeys, or Bird nest boxes) so it may be useful for the students to regularly check our web pages. I would like to kindly ask you to pass the information about our internship programs, including my email address, to your students. I will be very happy to personally answer all their questions and requests.
Kind regards,
Ing. Dominika Knazovicka"