Study or work with us

The department of Biology offers an attractive environment for study and research with excellent training in virtually all fields of Biology - from the fundamentals up to the most cutting-edge applications. Studying at the University Konstanz means short distances on a green campus, teaching by internationally awarded scientists and a life in one of the most beautiful regions of Germany.

Study in Konstanz

Are you coming to Konstanz from one of our partner universities or as a Free Mover as part of your studies? The International Office will be glad to assist you in all practical matters. Whether or not you have already applied to study with us, please don’t miss the Incoming Student Guide covering topics ranging from semester dates and application to study opportunities. You also find information about the Faculty of Sciences, respective Master Programs and some add-ons at this webpage.

If you have special needs, please find here some information offered by our International Office, how the University of Konstanz can provide some support.

Choosing your courses

Courses offered in the BSc and MSc Biological Sciences are listed in the University course catalogue. Most of them are available every year with only rare timetable changes.

Bachelor of Sciences courses are taught in German, with only few exceptions. We expect incoming students to demonstrate at least German B2 language skills in order to successfully complete courses from the BSc program Biological Sciences.

Master of Science courses are taught in English. We recommend English language skills at least at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Registering for courses and examinations in the Department of Biology

Details on each course's coursework and examinations are available in the electronic course catalogue ZEuS for BSc or MSc. Click on the respective course and find the information you need in the tabs "Events" and "Contents".
In order to take a lecture in the BSc program Biological Sciences, preference modules, or elective modules from the MSc program, students usually do not have to register. They simply join by showing up at the first meeting of class. But check on the "Content" tab whether there are prerequisites or restrictions in accessing the course. You should make sure to attend the first meeting of a class you are interested in, in order to get all information on course requirements even if you are not entirely sure whether you will complete it.
Students who want to join Advanced Course lectures should contact the responsible lecturer well in advance.
To attend any kind of course with a practical part (BSc program) or Advanced Courses (AC) from the MSc program, you should contact the Departmental Exchange Coordinator and the responsible teacher or as early as possible. Places are usually very limited and depend on availability. If you opt for a complete Advanced Course, it might well be that you are offered an AC with a different topic
Students do have to register and can deregister for examinations until one week before the examinations date using ZEuS.

Research Placements

Traineeships allow students to contribute to ongoing research in our department, depending on the availability of spaces and supervisors. If your traineeship will be voluntary we can host you for up to three month. Longer research stays are possible, if they are a mandatory part of your curriculum. Please consult your home University about funding possibilities, which may be available through several programs.

Applying directly at the research groups is the best way to secure your placement in the Department of Biology. Please first identify a research group, which you would like to join. Read the research pages of the groups carefully and possibly decide about a preferred ongoing research project in which you would like to contribute with your knowledge and skills. Then write your application as specific as possible, explain your reasons for doing the internship in more detail, and explain why you think you will be helpful in the specific group. You also should make clear that you are flexible with respect to the project. Please provide along with your application a CV and a detailed list of your previous education and classes you successfully completed, a Transcript of Records containing the list of subjects, and corresponding grades, you have completed at your home institution by the time you are applying. Please also mention that you don't expect to be paid or to receive any other financial support from the group.

If you finally will have luckily received a preliminary offer from any group, you should hurry to organize the more practical part by settling your financial support, housing and other formalities.

Please familiarise yourself with the internship regulations for research interns at the University of Konstanz.