CaFFEE, Ca Fluorescent Flash Evaluation Engine

Original publication: Hoelting L, Klima S, Karreman C, Grinberg M, Meisig J, Henry M, Rotshteyn T, Rahnenführer J, Blüthgen N, Sachinidis A, Waldmann T and Leist M., 2016, Stem Cell-Derived Immature Human Dorsal Root Ganglia Neurons to Identify Peripheral Neurotoxicants. Stem Cells Transl Med. 5: p476-87.


CaFFEE is a program to evaluate movies generated with the Cellomics automated microscope as input. It will analyse the Ca dependant increase of fluoresence of Fluo-4 labeled cells during time. The program will do this on single cell level. The signals of the cells are followed through time and only cells that "behave" are selected for further analysis. Various filters can be aplied and results are shown in a multi-sheeted Excel workbook.

Will analyse all movies in a sub-directory if so required.

This program will be freely available, complete with handbook and instruction how to install. Unfortunately, the handbook is not finished yet.

If you interested just revisit this website.

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