
Original publication: Nyffeler J., Karreman C., Leisner H., Kim Y.J., Lee G., Waldmann T. and Leist M. (2016), Design of a high-throughput human neural crest cell migration assay to indicate potential developmental toxicants., ALTEX 34, p75-94, doi: 10.14573/altex.1605031.

RingAssay is a program for evaluating the mobility of cells. It will take photos made with the Cellomics automated microscope as input. With this information the program will calculate cell density as a function of distance from the center, number of cells that moved, average distance covered by these cells and it will also do some primitive shape analysis. Output are multicolored pictures in jpg format and all numeric data in an Excel sheet.
Whole 96-well plates are analysed in one run.

This program is freely available, complete with handbook and instruction how to install. Just click here for the download page.

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